About Me

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Sacatapequez, Guatemala
Welcome! I'm currently a medical student at Universidad de Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala, Guatemala. In my blog, you'll hear about all my random adventures and challenges of studying medicine in a second language.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Well it's been SIX weeks since I've put anything up here. I suppose it's time for something. To my surprise, things are still going crazy busy, but should calm down in about seven years. As I mentioned to some folks, I had problems adjusting to a completely different diet and even thought I had visitors setting up shop in my tummy. Fortunately, things are settling down and I'm gaining some weight back. Attached are a few photos for your enjoyment, but check back next week because I'm going to try to put something slightly more substantial up when I have a little time to do that.

My mug shot I had to send to the university today so I can take my next test a week from Friday.

It was impossible to get a good shot here, but let me explain. This is VERY important! The little black dot you see to the left of the handle of a spoon is a mosquito. As Wendy kindly pointed out to me, it is either a male, or a female with Gender Identity Disorder because males feed off sugar and females feed of gringos. (As a side note, important to note about this species of mosquito is that it is one of few, if there even are any others, species that are truly monogamous. And why might that be? During copulation, the penis stays behind in the female.)

This is me playing dress up!

Me drinking coconut juice after a very LONG, very TIRING day out on the motorcycle.

A short-lived houseguest that has thankfully gone to the zoo....

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