About Me

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Sacatapequez, Guatemala
Welcome! I'm currently a medical student at Universidad de Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala, Guatemala. In my blog, you'll hear about all my random adventures and challenges of studying medicine in a second language.

Monday, May 2, 2011

busy day today

Greetings all...I saw about 60 patients today, the vast majority of which were diagnosed with upper and lower respiratory tract infections and still lots of GU stuff. Also a lot of complications related to varicose veins and not using TEDS (I think?) causing a lot of pain, discomfort and, well, scariness. I also saw four pregnant women that I was able to poke and prod. With one of them, the doctor was able to located the part where maternal and fetal blood mix, so I could listen to that process. And on that note...I listened to the lungs of just about every patient, which is by far the hardest part of this process. Memorizing factoids at Berkeley was doable, but memorizing sounds that change with every patient is something totally different. I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses, though.

Hoy yo vi 60 pacientes, la mayoria de los cuales tenian infecciones respiratorias (altas y bajas, como neumonia). Tambien habia muchas infecciones unrinarias y complicaciones de las venas varicosa (no pueden comprar medidas). Por la segunda, vinieron con dolor y...pues...cosas feas. Atendi a cuatro embarazadas a quienes meti el tamano del bebe. Con una, pude escuchar la sangre maternal y fetal intercambiando. Y me recuerda...que DIFICIL aprender a reconocer tantos sonidos de los pulmones y el resto del cuerpo. Escuche a la mayoria...tal vez 45 o 50 personas y todavia tengo problemas reconociendo lo necesario. Abajo yo pongo un dibujo demostrando que mis pacientes me van a pensar uno de los medicos que se identifique mas que nadie con los pacientes.

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